
Career Options

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Careers I Would Like to Persue


Software Engineer

Software developers use a variety of skills and technologies to design, write, build, launch, and manage software.

They also assist in the development of software systems that power networks and devices, as well as the maintenance of those systems.

I always wanted to help people around the world with code. Being a software develop will enable me to achieve this goal. Hence, being a software develop is my first career option.


Web Developer

Web Programmers construct web-based apps Their work focuses on web development's non-design parts, such as coding and markup authoring.

Coding is the process of creating software, whereas markup is the process of organizing and structuring text.

Since I am learning both front and back-end development in my course - Diploma in Information Technology - being a web programmer would be a viable career option for me.


Mobile Application Engineer

Software applications for smartphones and other mobile devices are designed, developed, and implemented by mobile application engineers.

Creating mobile applications has been one of my dream since I was young. Therefore, my third career option is to be a Mobile Application Engineer